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Hymek refurbishment 2012

By Garry Tyso

& Mark Bradley

The Hymek was taken from site on January 3rd 2012 to Garry's workshop for its long awaited refurbishment.

The first photographs show the locomotive as unloaded 13th Jan 2012

The first operation was to remove the bogies, and strip them down, clean, check and replace/repair any broken or worn components and re-assemble. The front bogie required only superficial cleaning and adjustment and was re-assembled and sprayed in a relatively short space of time. Note, in the photograph, that the upper, un-refurbished, bogie has a dummy spring missing. There is no evidence to suggest that this was ever fitted.


It was immediately apparent that the rear bogie had a problem with one axle, as the wheel was loose on the shaft and could drift considerably over gauge. On removal, it was found that a repair had previously been carried out - possibly to correct the same problem -by pegging the Delrin boss of the gear pinion to the shaft.  This had resulted in the boss breaking up leaving the wheel to float on the axle.


A new steel adaptor was manufactured which screwed to the wheel and was then pegged - using the original peg - and Loctited to the axle. The Delrin gear was bored to clear the flange of the adaptor and re-bolted to the wheel. The axle was then re-assembled.

Second instalment of the Hymek Friday 20th January

Having competed the bogie refurbishment, attention has now turned to the chassis.


The photos show the chassis prior to strip down. All electrics were removed and handed to Mark Bradley for a complete revamp.

The buffers were removed, as well as the rear towing eye and hook-on front buffer beam.
The buffer shanks were rusted solid and required considerable force to remove them from the bodies. A full clean up and re-paint followed, and they are now complete, working, and ready to be refitted to the chassis.

Third instalment of the Hymek Wednesday 31st January

Work is now progressing on manufacturing a fuel tank which will hang below the footplate between the bogies and house various fuses, switches and charger point.


The dummy fuel tank has now been completed and is fitted with a hinged front for access to the fuse box, switches for: on/off; sound; lights; together with the charger point, in addition to which it also houses two speakers for the sound system and two horns.


The chassis refurbishment is now virtually complete - all that remains is to paint it and final assemble.

Attention has now turned to the body. The following photos show the body as received.

First job was to remove all the remaining windows, the destination stickers and the fan grille.

A new fan grille was then fitted, removed and painted ready for assembly.