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Pond Junction Signal Box 2011

by Eric Davies


This Signal box was built by Eric Davies. He built it at home the bought it to site to be installed on the corner of the filed known as Pool Junction.


The box was built as part of the new signalling system. We had a tin shed which you can see in the first picture. This was originally further up the field by the junction. A signalman could keep out of the rain but would have to get out of this to operate the points manually..


With the new trackwork almost complete the tin shed was to be replaced and moved further down the field. Where the signalman now controls the the set of points on major events. There is a control box in the shed with switches on it to operate the points electrically without having to get out or get wet. 


It even has a light and heater "such comfort".



Eric Davies, as you would quite often see him on the lawn mower.

Nameplate & Sign

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