Low Level Track Phase Six / 2010
Part 1 Route from Inner to Outer tracks
Part 2. New Route into the station
Part 3. Pond Junction
Preparation of the new Layout for Pond Junction
Preparation for this Junction had been worked out towards the end of 2009 and the beginning of 2010. You can see how tracks were laid out to show the new route and several new track panels being made. Further down this page you can see how this was split into three parts to completion.
Part 1 Route from Inner to Outer tracks
Part 2. New Route into the station
Part 3 Pond Junction
This was a well though out piece of work. ALL the new points had to be made prior to this junction been taken out of service. This involved making 4 new points and several panels of track to refit the new layout.
The plan was to have the Garden Party 18th July as usual then as soon as it was finished works would commence. All the old trackwork came out very quickly.
Then it just took 3 days 19th 20th 21st to relay the track beds and replace with the new rail. This was a major achievement. From the 25th of July onwards the teams then spent time
Levelling and ballasting the new rails.
Fitting point motors.
The grounds team filled in the grassed areas.
The Signalling team wired all the new signals and point motors.
Starting the work for replacing the old inner loop ( Phase Seven )
Further down this page you will see a unique collection of pictures taken by one of our members. This collection has just come to light in 2021. I love the comments placed with each photo. Thanks to P Robinson.
The next section are from one of our members P Robinson
who took this record of how we did it.
I like the comments next to each photo